Brown Recluse Spider vs Desert Brown Spider in Las Vegas

A lot of people are scared of spiders, but in Las Vegas, this is not an irrational fear. There are spiders out there that can cause you significant damage, and there is always media coverage and hysteria over these spiders. People often ask us “are there brown recluse spiders in Nevada?” or “how do I identify the Desert Brown Spider in Las Vegas?”

In this article, we’re looking at the prevalence of the brown recluse in las vegas and how much worry about these spiders is justified.

Are they the Same?

No, these two varieties of spiders are not the same. Identifying them accurately is tough though as they do have a lot of similarities. They’re closely related and both share the Loxosceles genes. Their markings can even be similar.

What are the Main Differences?

The markings and colors are usually the main difference. The Desert Brown spider is normally much lighter in color when compared to a Brown Recluse. The brown recluse appears far darker.

People often use the Violin shaped marking as a vital difference between the two. However, though the Violin marking is extremely common on Brown Recluse spiders it can also occur on the Desert Brown.

Brown Recluse Description

Brown Recluse Spider

If you need a 100% accurate identification of these pests it is important to work with a company offering Spider Control in Las Vegas. More on identifying an infestation later in the article.

The Brown Recluse has the marking of a fiddle or violin on its body. This is darker in color than the rest of the body. Other than this, there are some other identifying features including:

● Long legs which are quite thin.
● 3 visible sets of eyes (can be seen up close).
● All legs are colored exactly the same as one another.
● The abdominal section is oval-shaped and does not have any markings.
● The spiders are colored tan/brown.
● The legs have fine hairs on them but don’t have visible spines like some other spider varieties.
● Around ½ of an inch in length around the body (excluding legs).

The coloration is a very important aspect of the spider and identifying which is which.

Desert Brown Spider Description

Desert Brown spiders are more common Las Vegas Pests. The desert brown follows a very similar description to the Brown Recluse Spider. However, they have a yellowish-brown coloring. Also, these spiders may or may not have the violin/fiddle marking whereas the Brown Recluse will always have these markings.

Are They Dangerous? Bites from these Spiders

Yes. There is no denying that bites from these spiders can be very dangerous. This is one of the many reasons why it is extremely important to deal with any infestation quickly and effectively.

Both spiders have bites which are necrotic. They can cause tissue damage and give you a necrotic lesion in a worst-case scenario. This is at risk of infection.

Though the brown recluse in Las Vegas bites have only killed people under the age of 7 in historical records, they carry significant risks. For instance, you can experience acute renal failure, comas, blood clots, and other blood conditions.

Make no mistake that if you get bitten by either a Brown Recluse or a Desert Brown there is a risk attached. You should always seek medical attention in these scenarios. The bites also cause significant risk to children and elders.

How to Identify an Infestation and Get Rid of Them

As these spiders are dangerous, the infestations aren’t something you should try to tackle yourself. If you have any issues with a brown recluse in Las Vegas or think you have seen a desert brown around the house, it is vital that you seek professional help from companies having pest control services.

If you do get a glimpse of one of these, the descriptions above will help you to work out the species of the spider. Pay close attention to the violin marking and also to the color of the spider.

Using a Las Vegas pest control company means the company will know the pests in that area. As these spiders are native to Nevada, they will be able to quickly identify and put into place the proper steps to get rid of your infestation.

How to Get Rid of Pigeons?

Pigeons are incredibly common. They are found in many different locations around the world and if you think of park benches, you can probably imagine that there would be pigeons strutting around.

Lots of people call pigeons “rats with wings” and compare them to vermin. They actually carry a lot of diseases and even parasites, so it is easy to see why people have this low opinion of pigeons. They leave droppings daily which is both disgusting and a danger to cleanliness.

If you’re unlucky enough to need pigeon removal Las Vegas or other parts of Nevada, you may well have an infestation. Knowing how to get rid of pigeons is a challenge, and it may be best to get pigeon control companies in, but there are always steps you can take to discourage pigeons roosting in your home.

get rid of birds

Eliminate Food Sources that Attract Them

It is easy to begin looking for deterrents and products to scare pigeons away. Though there are products out there which can help you get rid of pigeons, one of the first steps to stop the pigeons causing you problems is to cut off any food supply that they have managed to get their hands on.

This can be things like uncovered trash and poorly managed outdoor waste disposal. It also includes products which may be growing in your backyard in some cases. Work out what the pigeons are living off of when they are nesting at your home.

Problems Caused by Pigeon Roosting and Nesting

Pigeons are more than just a slight inconvenience. They can genuinely be a danger rather than just a nuisance. Their droppings have uric acid within, and this is corrosive. This means that it can damage the actual structure of the areas where there are pigeons! It can corrode wood, for instance.

Roosting pigeon debris can block guttering and your home drainage system. They can also damage AC units. Their droppings can also carry bacteria and fungal agents which can make people very ill.

Naturally, if you run a business, or just want your home to look appealing. Pigeons and their droppings do not give off a positive image and you will want to stop the pigeons from ruining the aesthetic appeal of your home or business premises.

Making Roosting Spaces Less Appealing

There is a lot you can do to get rid of pigeons just by making the space they may wish to roost, such as balconies and roofs, less appealing to them.
Pigeons do not like shiny things such as foil pans or wind chimes. Aluminum foil can also do the job when fastened to the area. They also dislike decoy birds like hawks which can be purchased and placed where the birds might see them.

Decoy owls and snakes also serve the same purpose and are widely available. Other techniques include using repellants which birds don’t like the smell of, or you can use spikes to create somewhere pigeons cannot perch and get comfortable. All of this can help to stop pigeon roosting, so be proactive in areas where you think they may pose a threat, such as balconies outside your home.

Even after taking these precautions and steps to get rid of pigeons, there are still reasons to hire professionals to come and take care of your pigeon control.

Call Professionals

The pros have a lot of different pest control techniques which can be used and can deal with the difficulties of getting rid of pigeons. If you already have an infestation then using pigeon traps is not something you should undertake without talking to the professionals and seeing if this is something they can recommend.

Professional pigeon control and pest control companies know the latest techniques. They have seen it before and know how to deal with your issues.

Another reason to work with pest control professionals is that they know the best ways to prevent pigeons from coming back and causing issues in the future. Just dealing with the problem in the short-term without looking long-term is not enough.

Pigeons are not just a harmless inconvenience. They can cause damage to your property and they can cause illness and spread disease. You need to be thorough when dealing with pigeons.